For all one of you who might be reading, "Yes, You Can!" This is the year for change in every area of our lives from deeper needs dealing with our finances, employment, homes and spirituality, to reconnecting with people from your past.
Now is the time to renew our strength for the tough times ahead. Now is the time to make relationships with people a top priority. Every day on earth is a gift, no matter how hard. If you got out of bed today and walked without assistance, count your blessings. If you are working, count your blessings. If you aren't working, make this the year you find the job you are destined for. Do what it takes and the tide will break. Eventually. It has to.
You see I am reading about Change and making plans for a lot of change this year. I am still evolving my plan but I can tell you that I plan to celebrate life more in 2009. You can do it. Yes, you can.
OH my GOSH!! i love this!! the picture looks so awesome! i love the article/ writing!! please KEEP IT UP!! u should send out a notice 2 some of ur friends 2 check out ur blog!! love you times 1 billion!!
-Emma J
Okay, two people are reading. Cool photo.
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